


  • KAL

  • Kalutara

Total Land Area: 1,576 km2 (608 mi2)
Province: Western

Nestled along the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka, Kalutara unfolds a tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty. At the heart of this town is the Kalutara Bodhiya, a revered site where a sacred Bodhi tree stands tall, believed to have originated from a sapling of the historical Bodhi tree in Anuradhapura. Pilgrims and locals find solace in the tranquil surroundings, seeking spiritual reflection under its branches. Beyond the spiritual allure, Kalutara is a town with a rich cultural heritage. Its vibrant markets showcase the lively pulse of daily life, offering a sensory experience with colorful stalls, aromatic spices, and the friendly chatter of vendors. The Kalutara Bridge, an iconic landmark, stretches majestically over the Kalu Ganga river, connecting the two sides of the town. This blend of cultural traditions and natural wonders makes Kalutara a captivating destination, inviting visitors to explore its historical sites, immerse themselves in local life, and enjoy the breathtaking landscapes that define this coastal gem.


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